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REMS Echolight Bone Scans for Early Diagnosis of Osteoporosis

Radiation-Free Bone Density Scans

Juvent has partnered with Echolight, a high-tech biomed company headquartered in Italy, to provide the first diagnostic, non-invasive, radiation free, and office-based solution for a fast and reliable bone density and fracture risk assessment!  

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Echolight's REMS bone health scans are often used to diagnose osteoporosis early. The scans are particularly helpful for women looking to avoid radiation in their childbearing years. This technology will allow patients to safely have several tests per year to assess their bone health program's progress, which is an important improvement for measuring the success of a bone health program.

radiation-free technology for bone density scan







ECHOlight Scan

R.E.M.S.® Technology & Clinical Validation

R.E.M.S.® is an innovative, radiation-free approach to the diagnosis of Osteoporosis and to bone health assessment. It exploits all the spectral features of the native, unfiltered "raw" (RF) signals acquired during an echographic scan to determine the status of internal bone architecture.

The implemented algorithm automatically identifies the target bone interfaces within the sequence of the acquired echographic images, discarding "noisy" acquisitions and artifacts and reducing the dependence on operator experience. The diagnosis is not confounded by the presence of osteoarthritis, scoliosis, or other pathologies leading some experts to prefer it over DEXA.

worldwide patent, accurate reliable, automatic data analysis, quick

The clinical validation of Echolight's technology involved more than tens of thousands of subjects through national and international multicenter studies in collaboration with the most important bone health assessment centers in the world. They were coordinated by an Internal Scientific Committee made up of the most influential Osteoporosis clinical experts worldwide.

Cost of an Echolight Bone Density Scans

Possible Medicare Coverage

The scans may be covered under Medicare. You must contact your provider directly for all other insurance plans.

or Cash Pay Out of Pocket

Out of pocket, you can expect to pay $400 cash per scan and interpretation.

Echolight Scan Locations

If you want a scan try any of these locations or check our locator map.

  • XBody Health and Wellness; Wayne, NJ (Dr. Jenny Nazami)
  • Central Carolina Orthopedic Associates; Sanford, NC (Dr. Andrew Bush)
  • StrengthX; Asheville, NC (Dr. Mike Lewen..Chiropractor and Strength Coach)
  • Arthritis and Osteoporosis Clinic of Bravos Valley; College Station, TX (Dr. Ricardo Pocurull)
  • Diabetes and Endocrinology Center, University of South Florida; Tampa, FL (Dr. Yevgeniya Kushchayeva)
  • Covenant Health and Wellness; Lubbock, TX (Jackie Devilliers, RN Director of Operations)
  • The SMaRT Institute; Hinsdale, IL ( Dr. Matthew Vogt, Orthopedist and Sports Medicine)
  • Thermography Center of Dallas; Dallas, TX (Dr. Michael Einsohn)
  • Z Solutions LLC; Newtown, PA (Dr. Kimberly Zambito, Orthopedic Surgeon)
  • Rheumatology Associates of Delmarva; Easton, MD (Drs. Ed McLaughlin and Curtis Foy)
  • Anatara Medicine; San Francisco, CA ( Dr. Ahvie Herskowitz)
  • OsteoStrong; Bend, OR ( Anne-Marie Amos, Owner)

For Practitioners - If you who would like to offer this powerful new diagnostic technology to your patients, then give Juvent a call at 423-994-3679 to schedule an appointment and presentation.  It does not require a radiology technician or a shielded room and can be moved from room to room.

Juvent is offering special pricing during this product introduction along with both leasing and financing options.


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Compliance Standards

  • ISO 13485:2016
  • ISO 9001:2015
  • CE Mark
  • FDA Cleared 

Juvent's Mission

Juvent delivers clinically validated solutions to improve musculoskeletal health. Our patented Micro-Impact Platform® has clinically demonstrated the ability to help users manage and improve their bone health non-invasively. Additionally, our technology helps users decrease joint pain and increase lymphatic drainage. Juvent’s Micro-Impact is an essential ingredient for total health and vitality; a Vitamin of Exerciseˇ

Juvent Amazing History

Juvent Health was founded and led by Jack Ryaby, renowned medical device pioneer and expert in bone growth stimulation. Jack was the founder of EBI, the pioneers in magnetic bone growth stimulation and later Exogen, ultrasonic bone growth stimulation. While exploring ways to strengthen particular bone areas, he discovered Juvent’s amazing micro-impact, resonant technology—and was astonished to find that it demonstrated significant benefits throughout the entire body.

After assembling his team of experts from his earlier bone growth successes and millions in research and development funds, Juvent was born. Now the subject of numerous studies and clinical trials that confirm the amazing medical benefits, Juvent Health has won the support of clinicians and consumers, from like tennis legends Mats Wilander and Mike Bryan, golf coach David Leadbetter, and football legend Eric Woods to thousands of everyday users seeking a safer, easier, and more effective way to rejuvenate and reinforce their bodies.


Clinical Benefits of Juvent's Micro-Impact Platform

This whitepaper highlights the clinical benefits of the Juvent Micro-Impact Platform®, showcasing its proven ability to enhance bone health, improve mobility, and support recovery through safe, non-invasive micro-impact therapy. Backed by extensive research, it’s your guide to understanding the transformative health impacts of Juvent.


Differentiating Human Health Benefits: Micro-Impact vs. Whole Body Vibration

This whitepaper compares Juvent's Micro-Impact Therapy with traditional whole-body vibration (WBV) platforms, highlighting its superior safety, precision, and effectiveness. Backed by clinical research, it demonstrates how Juvent delivers targeted benefits for bone health, mobility, and recovery without the risks associated with WBV.


Human Health Benefits of Low Magnitude Mechanical Stimulation (LMMS)

This whitepaper explores the science and clinical evidence behind Low-Magnitude Mechanical Signals (LMMS) and their profound impact on human health. It highlights how Juvent’s Micro-Impact Platform® harnesses LMMS to improve bone density, enhance mobility, and support overall well-being, offering a safe, non-invasive approach to long-term health benefits.


Juvent's Micro-Impact Platform for Increasing Bone Mineral Density in Pediatric Cancer Survivors

This whitepaper examines the role of Juvent's Micro-Impact Platform® in supporting cancer survivors. It highlights how Micro-Impact Therapy can help mitigate the effects of bone loss, improve mobility, and enhance overall quality of life following treatment. Backed by clinical research, the paper underscores Juvent’s safe and effective approach to addressing the unique health challenges faced by cancer survivors.